Namespace DotNetBrowser.Browser.Events
- BrowserBecameResponsiveEventArgs
Event arguments for the BrowserBecameResponsive event.
- BrowserBecameUnresponsiveEventArgs
Event arguments for the BrowserBecameUnresponsive event.
- BrowserEventArgs
The base class for IBrowser events.
- ConsoleMessageReceivedEventArgs
Event arguments for the ConsoleMessageReceived event.
- CursorChangedEventArgs
The CursorChanged event data which can be used to update the cursor for the off-screen view.
- FaviconChangedEventArgs
Event arguments for the FaviconChanged event.
- FocusGainedEventArgs
Event arguments for the FocusGained event.
- FocusLostEventArgs
Event arguments for the FocusLost event.
- FocusRequestedEventArgs
Event arguments for the FocusRequested event.
- FrameCreatedEventArgs
Event arguments for the FrameCreated event.
- FrameDeletedEventArgs
Event arguments for the FrameDeleted event.
- MediaStreamCaptureStartedEventArgs
Event arguments for the MediaStreamCaptureStarted
- MediaStreamCaptureStoppedEventArgs
Event arguments for the MediaStreamCaptureStopped
- MediaStreamEventArgs
The base class for IBrowser events related to media stream events.
- PrintPreviewClosedEventArgs
Event arguments for the PrintPreviewClosed
- PrintPreviewOpenedEventArgs
Event arguments for the PrintPreviewOpened
- RenderProcessTerminatedEventArgs
Event arguments for the RenderProcessTerminated event.
- SessionStartedEventArgs
Event arguments for the SessionStarted event.
- SpellCheckCompletedEventArgs
Event arguments for the SpellCheckCompleted event.
- StatusChangedEventArgs
Event arguments for the StatusChanged event.
- TitleChangedEventArgs
Event arguments for the TitleChanged event.
- UpdateBoundsRequestedEventArgs
Event arguments for the UpdateBoundsRequested event.
- ConsoleMessageReceivedEventArgs.MessageLevel
Console message levels.
- MediaStreamType
The media type of the captured stream.
- TerminationStatus
The termination status of the render process.