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Enum DownloadInterruptionReason


Possible download interruption reason.

public enum DownloadInterruptionReason


Crash = 50

The browser crashed. Internal use only: resume pending downloads if possible.

FileAccessDenied = 3

The file cannot be accessed due to security restrictions. "Access Denied".

FileBlocked = 11

The file was blocked due to local policy. "Blocked"

FileFailed = 2

Generic file operation failure. "File Error".

FileHashMismatch = 14

The partial file didn't match the expected hash.

FileNameTooLong = 5

The directory or file name is too long. "Path Too Long".

FileNoSpace = 4

There is not enough room on the drive. "Disk Full".

FileSameAsSource = 15

The source and the target of the download were the same

FileSecurityCheckFailed = 12

An attempt to check the safety of the download failed due to unexpected reasons. See http:///

FileTooLarge = 6

The file is too large for the file system to handle. "File Too Large".

FileTooShort = 13

An attempt was made to seek past the end of a file in opening a file (as part of resuming a previously interrupted download).

FileTransientError = 10

The file was in use. Too many files are opened at once. We have run out of memory. "Temporary Problem".

FileVirusInfected = 7

The file contains a virus. "Virus".

NetworkDisconnected = 22

The network connection has been lost. "Connection Lost".

NetworkFailed = 20

Generic network failure. "Network Error".

NetworkInvalidRequest = 24

The network request was invalid. This may be due to the original URL or a redirected URL:

  • Having an unsupported scheme.
  • Being an invalid URL.
  • Being disallowed by policy.
NetworkServerDown = 23

The server has gone down. "Server Down".

NetworkTimeout = 21

The network operation timed out. "Operation Timed Out".

ServerBadContent = 33

The server does not have the requested data. "Unable to get file".

ServerCertProblem = 35

Server certificate problem.

ServerContentLengthMismatch = 38

The server sent fewer bytes than the content-length header. It may indicate that the connection was closed prematurely, or the Content-Length header was invalid. The download is only interrupted if strong validators are present. Otherwise, it is treated as finished.

ServerFailed = 30

The server indicates that the operation has failed (generic). "Server Error".

ServerForbidden = 36

Server access forbidden.

ServerNoRange = 31

The server does not support range requests. Internal use only: must restart from the beginning.

ServerUnauthorized = 34

Server didn't authorize access to resource.

ServerUnreachable = 37

Unexpected server response. This might indicate that the responding server may not be the intended server.

Unknown = 1

There is no interruption reason.

UserCanceled = 40

The user canceled the download. "Canceled".

UserShutdown = 41

The user shut down the browser. Internal use only: resume pending downloads if possible.