Table of Contents

Enum ExtensionPermission


The extension permission types.

public enum ExtensionPermission


ActiveTab = 2

Gives temporary access to the active tab through a user gesture.

Alarms = 3

Gives access to the chrome.alarms API.

Background = 4

Makes Chrome start up early (as soon as the user logs into their computer—before the user launches Chrome), and shut down late (even after its last window is closed until the user explicitly quits Chrome). In DotNetBrowser this permission has no effect.

Bookmarks = 5

Gives access to the chrome.bookmarks API.

BrowsingData = 6

Gives access to the chrome.browsingData API.

CertificateProvider = 7

ChromeOS only. Gives access to the chrome.certificateProvider API.

ClipboardRead = 8

Required if the extension uses document.execCommand('paste').

ClipboardWrite = 9

Required if the extension uses document.execCommand('copy') or document.execCommand('cut').

ContentSettings = 10

Gives access to the chrome.contentSettings API.

ContextMenus = 11

Gives access to the chrome.contextMenus API.

Cookies = 12

Gives access to the chrome.cookies API.

Debugger = 13

Gives access to the chrome.debugger API.

DeclarativeContent = 14

Gives access to the chrome.declarativeContent API.

DeclarativeNetRequest = 15

Gives access to the chrome.declarativeNetRequest API.

DeclarativeNetRequestFeedback = 17

Gives access to the chrome.declarativeNetRequestFeedback API which returns information on declarative rules matched.

DeclarativeNetRequestWithHostAccess = 16

Gives access to the chrome.declarativeNetRequest API, but requires host permissions to the request URL and initiator to act on a request.

DeclarativeWebRequest = 18

Gives access to the chrome.declarativeWebRequest API. This API is deprecated. Check out the chrome.declarativeNetRequest API instead.

DesktopCapture = 19

Gives access to the chrome.desktopCapture API.

DocumentScan = 20

Gives access to the chrome.documentScan API.

Downloads = 21

Gives access to the chrome.downloads API.

DownloadsOpen = 69

The permission required to use the method.

DownloadsUI = 70

The permission required to use the chrome.downloads.setUiOptions() method.In DotNetBrowser this method has no effect.

EnterpriseDeviceAttributes = 22

Gives access to the chrome.enterprise.deviceAttributes API.

EnterpriseHardwarePlatform = 23

Gives access to the chrome.enterprise.hardwarePlatform API.

EnterpriseNetworkingAttributes = 24

Gives access to the chrome.enterprise.networkingAttributes API.

EnterprisePlatformKeys = 25

Gives access to the chrome.enterprise.platformKeys API.

Experimental = 26

Gives access to the chrome.experimental.* APIs.

ExtensionPermissionUnspecified = 0

Reserved value.

FileBrowserHandler = 27

ChromeOS only. Gives access to the chrome.fileBrowserHandler API.

FileSystemProvider = 28

ChromeOS only. Gives access to the chrome.fileSystemProvider API.

FontSettings = 29

Gives access to the chrome.fontSettings API.

Gcm = 30

Gives access to the chrome.gcm API.

Geolocation = 31

Allows the extension to use the geolocation API without prompting the user for permission.

History = 32

Gives access to the chrome.history API.

Identity = 33

Gives access to the chrome.identity API.

Idle = 34

Gives access to the chrome.idle API.

LoginState = 35

ChromeOS only. Gives access to the chrome.loginState API.

Management = 36

Gives access to the API.

NativeMessaging = 37

Gives access to the native messaging API.

Notifications = 38

Gives access to the chrome.notifications API.

Offscreen = 39

Gives access to the chrome.offscreen API.

PageCapture = 40

Gives access to the chrome.pageCapture API.

PlatformKeys = 41

ChromeOS only. Gives access to the chrome.platformKeys API.

Power = 42

Gives access to the chrome.power API.

PrinterProvider = 43

Gives access to the chrome.printerProvider API.

Printing = 44

ChromeOS only. Gives access to the chrome.printing API.

PrintingMetrics = 45

ChromeOS only. Gives access to the chrome.printingMetrics API.

Privacy = 46

Gives access to the chrome.privacy API.

Process = 47

Gives access to the chrome.processes API.

Proxy = 48

Gives access to the chrome.proxy API.

Scripting = 49

Gives access to the chrome.scripting API.

Gives access to the API.

Sessions = 51

Gives access to the chrome.sessions API.

Storage = 52

Gives access to the API.

SystemCpu = 53

Gives access to the chrome.system.cpu API.

SystemDisplay = 54

Gives access to the chrome.system.display API.

SystemMemory = 55

Gives access to the chrome.system.memory API.

SystemStorage = 56

Gives access to the API.

TabCapture = 57

Gives access to the chrome.tabCapture API.

TabGroups = 58

Gives access to the chrome.tabGroups API.

Tabs = 59

Gives access to privileged fields of the Tab objects used by several APIs including chrome.tabs and In many circumstances your extension will not need to declare the "tabs" permission to make use of these APIs.

TopSites = 60

Gives access to the chrome.topSites API.

Tts = 61

Gives access to the chrome.tts API.

TtsEngine = 62

Gives access to the chrome.ttsEngine API.

Unknown = 1

An unknown permission type.

UnlimitedStorage = 63

Provides an unlimited quota for storing client-side data, such as databases and local storage files. Without this permission, the extension is limited to 10 MB of local storage.

VpnProvider = 64

ChromeOS only. Gives access to the chrome.vpnProvider API.

Wallpaper = 65

ChromeOS only. Gives access to the chrome.wallpaper API.

WebAuthenticationProxy = 71

Gives access to the chrome.webAuthenticationProxy API.

WebNavigation = 66

Gives access to the chrome.webNavigation API.

WebRequest = 67

Gives access to the chrome.webRequest API.

WebRequestBlocking = 68

Required if the extension uses the chrome.webRequest API in a blocking fashion.