Namespace DotNetBrowser.Js
- JsException
Thrown when an exception is raised in JavaScript.
- JsonExtensions
Contains methods for working with JSON strings
- IJsFunction
A JavaScript function that can be passed between .NET and JavaScript as a method argument or a return value. The function lifetime is bound to the lifetime of the frame this function belongs to. When the owner frame is unloaded, all the JavaScript objects are automatically disposed. An attempt to access a disposed JavaScript object will result in ObjectDisposedException
- IJsObject
Represents a JavaScript object. Provides access to the object's properties and functions. The JavaScript object is alive until its JavaScript execution context exist. Once execution context is disposed, all JavaScript objects available in the scope of this context will be automatically disposed. If you try to access already disposed object, you will get an ObjectDisposedException.
- IJsObjectPropertyCollection
The JavaScript object properties.
- IJsPromise
The JavaScript Promise.