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INavigation Events

The INavigation type exposes the following members.

Public eventDisposed
Occurs when the object has been disposed.
(Inherited from IAutoDisposable.)
Public eventFrameDocumentLoadFinished
Occurs when the document loading in the given IFrame has been finished. At this point, deferred scripts were executed, and content scripts marked "document_end" get injected into the IFrame.
Public eventFrameLoadFailed
Occurs when the content load was failed.
Public eventFrameLoadFinished
Occurs when the content of the IFrame has been loaded completely.
Public eventLoadFinished
Occurs when the content loading has been finished. This event corresponds to the moment when the spinner of the tab stops spinning.
Public eventLoadProgressChanged
Occurs when the page has made some progress loading.
Public eventLoadStarted
Occurs when the content loading has been started. This event corresponds to the moment when the spinner of the tab starts spinning.
Public eventNavigationFinished
Occurs when the navigation has been finished. This happens when a navigation is committed, aborted, or replaced by a new one.
Public eventNavigationRedirected
Occurs when the navigation has encountered a server redirect.
Public eventNavigationStarted
Occurs when the navigation has been started. This is also fired by same-document navigations, such as fragment navigations or pushState/replaceState, which will not result in a document change. To filter these out, use the IsSameDocument property.

Note that more than one navigation can be ongoing in the same frame at the same time(including the main frame). Also, there is no guarantee that the NavigationFinished will be fired for any particular navigation before this event is called on the next.

Public eventNavigationStopped
Occurs when the navigation has been stopped.
See Also