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INavigation Methods

The INavigation type exposes the following members.

Public methodCanGoBack
Checks whether the previous location can be loaded.
Public methodCanGoForward
Checks whether the next location can be loaded.
Public methodEntryAt
Returns an INavigationEntry instance for the given index in the back-forward list.
Public methodGoBack
Loads the previous location in the back-forward list. It does nothing if there's no previous location in the list.
Public methodGoForward
Loads the next location in the back-forward list. It does nothing if there's no next location in the list.
Public methodGoTo
Navigates to a specific location at the given index in the back-forward list.
Public methodLoadUrl(String)
Navigates to a resource identified by a URL.
Public methodLoadUrl(LoadUrlParameters)
Navigates to a resource identified by the specified parameters
Public methodLoadUrl(String, TimeSpan)
Navigates to a resource identified by a URL, with the specified timeout.
Public methodLoadUrl(LoadUrlParameters, TimeSpan)
Navigates to a resource identified by the given LoadUrlParameters, with the specified timout.
Public methodReload
Reloads the currently loaded web page.
Public methodReloadAndCheckForRepost
Reloads the currently loaded web page. If the current web page has POST data, the user will be asked to confirm that he really wants to reload the page.
Public methodReloadIgnoringCache
Reloads the currently loaded web page ignoring the cached data.
Public methodReloadIgnoringCacheAndCheckForRepost
Reloads the currently loaded web page ignoring the cached data. If the current web page has POST data, the user will be asked to confirm that he really wants to reload the page.
Public methodRemoveEntryAt
Removes the item at the given index from the back-forward list and returns true if it was removed successfully.
Public methodStop
Cancels any pending navigation or download operation and stops any dynamic page elements, such as background sounds and animations.
See Also