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IBrowser Properties

The IBrowser type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllFrames
Gets all the frames on the currently loaded web page.
Public propertyAudio
Gets the IAudio instance that allows controlling audio on the loaded web page and receive notifications when audio has been started or stopped playing.
Public propertyCapture
Gets the ICapture instance that can be used for listening and handling capture sessions.
Public propertyCreatePopupHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when the browser decides whether a new popup instance can be created or not.
Public propertyDevTools
Gets the IDevTools instance that allows working with Chromium Developer Tools for this browser.
Public propertyDialogs
Gets the IDialogs instance that can be used for configuring the dialogs that can be shown by browser.
Public propertyDragAndDrop
Gets the IDragAndDrop instance that can be used for managing drag&drop operations for the browser.
Public propertyEngine
Gets the IEngine instance associated with this browser.
Public propertyFavicon
Gets the favicon of the currently loaded web page.
Public propertyFocusedFrame
Gets the focused frame on the currently loaded web page.
Public propertyInjectCssHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when the document element has been created and a custom stylesheet can be injected into the document.
Public propertyInjectJsHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when the document element has been created and a custom JavaScript can be injected into the document.
Public propertyIsDisposed
Indicates if the object is already disposed.
(Inherited from IAutoDisposable.)
Public propertyJsDialogs
Gets the IJsDialogs instance that can be used for configuring the JavaScript dialogs that can be shown by browser.
Public propertyKeyboard
Gets the IKeyboard instance that can be used for listening and simulating keyboard input events.
Public propertyMainFrame
The main frame on the currently loaded web page, if it exists.
Public propertyMouse
Gets the IMouse instance that can be used for listening and simulating mouse input events.
Public propertyNavigation
Gets the INavigation instance that can be used for controlling navigation in the current browser instance.
Public propertyOpenPopupHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when a new popup browser instance should be opened.
Public propertyPasswords
Gets the IPasswords instance that can be used for working with logins and passwords saved in the Chromium password store.
Public propertyPrintHtmlContentHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when the HTML content printing is initiated.
Public propertyPrintPdfContentHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when the PDF content printing is initiated.
Public propertyProfile
Gets the IProfile instance associated with this browser.
Public propertyRequestPrintHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when the printing is initiated.
Public propertySelectCertificateHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when the web server requires authorization via client certificate.
Public propertySettings
Gets the IBrowserSettings instance that can be used for modifying the settings of the browser.
Public propertyShowContextMenuHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when the browser should show a context menu.
Public propertySize
Gets or sets the browser size.
Public propertyStartDownloadHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when the browser is about to start downloading the file.
Public propertyTextFinder
Gets the ITextFinder instance that can be used for finding text on a web page loaded in the browser.
Public propertyTitle
Gets the title of the currently loaded web page.
Public propertyTouch
Gets the ITouch instance that can be used for listening touch input events.
Public propertyUrl
Gets the URL of the currently loaded web page or an empty string if the browser hasn't loaded any web page yet.
Public propertyUserAgent
Gets or sets the user-agent of the current browser instance.
Public propertyZoom
Gets the IZoom instance that can be used for zooming content of a web page loaded in the current browser instance.
See Also