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DotNetBrowser.Net Namespace

This namespace contains interfaces and classes related to the Network API.
Public classBytesData
The upload data as bytes. Can be empty if the form doesn't contain any data.
Public classFileValue
File data.
Public classFormData
The list of key-value pairs each representing a segment of a form data. Can be empty if the form doesn't contain any data.
Public classHostPortPair
A host/port pair of the URI.
Public classHttpHeader
Represents the single HTTP header with all its values.
Public classMimeType
The MIME type.
Public classMultipartFormData
The list of key-value pairs each representing a segment of a multi-part form data. Can be empty if the form doesn't contain any data.
Public classMultipartFormDataKeyValuePair
A key-value pair that represents a segment of a multi-part form data. Can contain values corresponding a form field content, an upload file content, etc.
Public classScheme
The scheme component of a URL.
Public classTextData
The upload data of the text/plain content type.
Public classUploadData
The base class for all upload data.
Public classUrlRequest
Represents the URL request received from the Chromium engine.
Public classUrlRequestJob
The URL request job for the intercepted URL request, which allows you to provide the response data for this URL request.
Public interfaceIFileValue
File data.
Public interfaceIHttpAuthPreferences
The HTTP authorization preferences.
Public interfaceIHttpHeader
Represents the single HTTP header with all its values.
Public interfaceINetwork
Allows access and modifying to the network-level activities.
Public interfaceIUploadData
The upload data associated with a `UrlRequest`. The upload data can be in the `text/plain`, `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`, or `multipart/form-data` format.The upload data type depends on the content of the `Content-Type` header. If the `Content-Type` header is missing or doesn't include a valid substring indicating the corresponding upload data type, the upload data will be in a binary format.
Public interfaceIUploadDataT
The upload data associated with a `UrlRequest`. The upload data can be in the `text/plain`, `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`, or `multipart/form-data` format.The upload data type depends on the content of the `Content-Type` header. If the `Content-Type` header is missing or doesn't include a valid substring indicating the corresponding upload data type, the upload data will be in a binary format.
Public enumerationNetError
The network errors.
Public enumerationRequestStatus
The status of a URL request.
Public enumerationSslVersion
The supported SSL connection versions.