| Member name | Value | Description |
| Unknown | 0 |
The key code is unidentified.
| None | 1 |
No key code.
| Hyper | 2 | The "HYPER" key code. |
| Super | 3 | The "SUPER" key code. |
| Fn | 4 | The "FN" key code. |
| FnLock | 5 | The "FN_LOCK" key code. |
| Suspend | 6 | The "SUSPEND" key code. |
| Resume | 7 | The "RESUME" key code. |
| Turbo | 8 | The "TURBO" key code. |
| PrivacyScreenToggle | 9 | The "PRIVACY_SCREEN_TOGGLE" key code. |
| Sleep | 10 | The "SLEEP" key code. |
| WakeUp | 11 | The "WAKE_UP" key code. |
| DisplayToggleIntExt | 12 | The "DISPLAY_TOGGLE_INT_EXT" key code. |
| UsbReserved | 13 | The "USB_RESERVED" key code. |
| UsbErrorRollOver | 14 | The "USB_ERROR_ROLL_OVER" key code. |
| UsbPostFail | 15 | The "USB_POST_FAIL" key code. |
| UsbErrorUndefined | 16 | The "USB_ERROR_UNDEFINED" key code. |
| UsA | 17 | The "US_A" key code. |
| UsB | 18 | The "US_B" key code. |
| UsC | 19 | The "US_C" key code. |
| UsD | 20 | The "US_D" key code. |
| UsE | 21 | The "US_E" key code. |
| UsF | 22 | The "US_F" key code. |
| UsG | 23 | The "US_G" key code. |
| UsH | 24 | The "US_H" key code. |
| UsI | 25 | The "US_I" key code. |
| UsJ | 26 | The "US_J" key code. |
| UsK | 27 | The "US_K" key code. |
| UsL | 28 | The "US_L" key code. |
| UsM | 29 | The "US_M" key code. |
| UsN | 30 | The "US_N" key code. |
| UsO | 31 | The "US_O" key code. |
| UsP | 32 | The "US_P" key code. |
| UsQ | 33 | The "US_Q" key code. |
| UsR | 34 | The "US_R" key code. |
| UsS | 35 | The "US_S" key code. |
| UsT | 36 | The "US_T" key code. |
| UsU | 37 | The "US_U" key code. |
| UsV | 38 | The "US_V" key code. |
| UsW | 39 | The "US_W" key code. |
| UsX | 40 | The "US_X" key code. |
| UsY | 41 | The "US_Y" key code. |
| UsZ | 42 | The "US_Z" key code. |
| Digit1 | 43 | The "DIGIT1" key code. |
| Digit2 | 44 | The "DIGIT2" key code. |
| Digit3 | 45 | The "DIGIT3" key code. |
| Digit4 | 46 | The "DIGIT4" key code. |
| Digit5 | 47 | The "DIGIT5" key code. |
| Digit6 | 48 | The "DIGIT6" key code. |
| Digit7 | 49 | The "DIGIT7" key code. |
| Digit8 | 50 | The "DIGIT8" key code. |
| Digit9 | 51 | The "DIGIT9" key code. |
| Digit0 | 52 | The "DIGIT0" key code. |
| Enter | 53 | The "ENTER" key code. |
| Escape | 54 | The "ESCAPE" key code. |
| Backspace | 55 | The "BACKSPACE" key code. |
| Tab | 56 | The "TAB" key code. |
| Space | 57 | The "SPACE" key code. |
| Minus | 58 | The "MINUS" key code. |
| Equal | 59 | The "EQUAL" key code. |
| BracketLeft | 60 | The "BRACKET_LEFT" key code. |
| BracketRight | 61 | The "BRACKET_RIGHT" key code. |
| Backslash | 62 | The "BACKSLASH" key code. |
| Semicolon | 63 | The "SEMICOLON" key code. |
| Quote | 64 | The "QUOTE" key code. |
| Backquote | 65 | The "BACKQUOTE" key code. |
| Comma | 66 | The "COMMA" key code. |
| Period | 67 | The "PERIOD" key code. |
| Slash | 68 | The "SLASH" key code. |
| CapsLock | 69 | The "CAPS_LOCK" key code. |
| F1 | 70 | The "F1" key code. |
| F2 | 71 | The "F2" key code. |
| F3 | 72 | The "F3" key code. |
| F4 | 73 | The "F4" key code. |
| F5 | 74 | The "F5" key code. |
| F6 | 75 | The "F6" key code. |
| F7 | 76 | The "F7" key code. |
| F8 | 77 | The "F8" key code. |
| F9 | 78 | The "F9" key code. |
| F10 | 79 | The "F10" key code. |
| F11 | 80 | The "F11" key code. |
| F12 | 81 | The "F12" key code. |
| PrintScreen | 82 | The "PRINT_SCREEN" key code. |
| ScrollLock | 83 | The "SCROLL_LOCK" key code. |
| Pause | 84 | The "PAUSE" key code. |
| Insert | 85 | The "INSERT" key code. |
| Home | 86 | The "HOME" key code. |
| PageUp | 87 | The "PAGE_UP" key code. |
| Del | 88 | The "DEL" key code. |
| End | 89 | The "END" key code. |
| PageDown | 90 | The "PAGE_DOWN" key code. |
| ArrowRight | 91 | The "ARROW_RIGHT" key code. |
| ArrowLeft | 92 | The "ARROW_LEFT" key code. |
| ArrowDown | 93 | The "ARROW_DOWN" key code. |
| ArrowUp | 94 | The "ARROW_UP" key code. |
| NumLock | 95 | The "NUM_LOCK" key code. |
| NumpadDivide | 96 | The "NUMPAD_DIVIDE" key code. |
| NumpadMultiply | 97 | The "NUMPAD_MULTIPLY" key code. |
| NumpadSubtract | 98 | The "NUMPAD_SUBTRACT" key code. |
| NumpadAdd | 99 | The "NUMPAD_ADD" key code. |
| NumpadEnter | 100 | The "NUMPAD_ENTER" key code. |
| Numpad1 | 101 | The "NUMPAD1" key code. |
| Numpad2 | 102 | The "NUMPAD2" key code. |
| Numpad3 | 103 | The "NUMPAD3" key code. |
| Numpad4 | 104 | The "NUMPAD4" key code. |
| Numpad5 | 105 | The "NUMPAD5" key code. |
| Numpad6 | 106 | The "NUMPAD6" key code. |
| Numpad7 | 107 | The "NUMPAD7" key code. |
| Numpad8 | 108 | The "NUMPAD8" key code. |
| Numpad9 | 109 | The "NUMPAD9" key code. |
| Numpad0 | 110 | The "NUMPAD0" key code. |
| NumpadDecimal | 111 | The "NUMPAD_DECIMAL" key code. |
| IntlBackslash | 112 | The "INTL_BACKSLASH" key code. |
| ContextMenu | 113 | The "CONTEXT_MENU" key code. |
| Power | 114 | The "POWER" key code. |
| NumpadEqual | 115 | The "NUMPAD_EQUAL" key code. |
| F13 | 116 | The "F13" key code. |
| F14 | 117 | The "F14" key code. |
| F15 | 118 | The "F15" key code. |
| F16 | 119 | The "F16" key code. |
| F17 | 120 | The "F17" key code. |
| F18 | 121 | The "F18" key code. |
| F19 | 122 | The "F19" key code. |
| F20 | 123 | The "F20" key code. |
| F21 | 124 | The "F21" key code. |
| F22 | 125 | The "F22" key code. |
| F23 | 126 | The "F23" key code. |
| F24 | 127 | The "F24" key code. |
| Open | 128 | The "OPEN" key code. |
| Help | 129 | The "HELP" key code. |
| Select | 130 | The "SELECT" key code. |
| Again | 131 | The "AGAIN" key code. |
| Undo | 132 | The "UNDO" key code. |
| Cut | 133 | The "CUT" key code. |
| Copy | 134 | The "COPY" key code. |
| Paste | 135 | The "PASTE" key code. |
| Find | 136 | The "FIND" key code. |
| VolumeMute | 137 | The "VOLUME_MUTE" key code. |
| VolumeUp | 138 | The "VOLUME_UP" key code. |
| VolumeDown | 139 | The "VOLUME_DOWN" key code. |
| NumpadComma | 140 | The "NUMPAD_COMMA" key code. |
| IntlRo | 141 | The "INTL_RO" key code. |
| KanaMode | 142 | The "KANA_MODE" key code. |
| IntlYen | 143 | The "INTL_YEN" key code. |
| Convert | 144 | The "CONVERT" key code. |
| NonConvert | 145 | The "NON_CONVERT" key code. |
| Lang1 | 146 | The "LANG1" key code. |
| Lang2 | 147 | The "LANG2" key code. |
| Lang3 | 148 | The "LANG3" key code. |
| Lang4 | 149 | The "LANG4" key code. |
| Lang5 | 150 | The "LANG5" key code. |
| Abort | 151 | The "ABORT" key code. |
| Props | 152 | The "PROPS" key code. |
| NumpadParenLeft | 153 | The "NUMPAD_PAREN_LEFT" key code. |
| NumpadParenRight | 154 | The "NUMPAD_PAREN_RIGHT" key code. |
| NumpadBackspace | 155 | The "NUMPAD_BACKSPACE" key code. |
| NumpadMemoryStore | 156 | The "NUMPAD_MEMORY_STORE" key code. |
| NumpadMemoryRecall | 157 | The "NUMPAD_MEMORY_RECALL" key code. |
| NumpadMemoryClear | 158 | The "NUMPAD_MEMORY_CLEAR" key code. |
| NumpadMemoryAdd | 159 | The "NUMPAD_MEMORY_ADD" key code. |
| NumpadMemorySubtract | 160 | The "NUMPAD_MEMORY_SUBTRACT" key code. |
| NumpadSignChange | 161 | The "NUMPAD_SIGN_CHANGE" key code. |
| NumpadClear | 162 | The "NUMPAD_CLEAR" key code. |
| NumpadClearEntry | 163 | The "NUMPAD_CLEAR_ENTRY" key code. |
| ControlLeft | 164 | The "CONTROL_LEFT" key code. |
| ShiftLeft | 165 | The "SHIFT_LEFT" key code. |
| AltLeft | 166 | The "ALT_LEFT" key code. |
| MetaLeft | 167 | The "META_LEFT" key code. |
| ControlRight | 168 | The "CONTROL_RIGHT" key code. |
| ShiftRight | 169 | The "SHIFT_RIGHT" key code. |
| AltRight | 170 | The "ALT_RIGHT" key code. |
| MetaRight | 171 | The "META_RIGHT" key code. |
| Info | 172 | The "INFO" key code. |
| ClosedCaptionToggle | 173 | The "CLOSED_CAPTION_TOGGLE" key code. |
| BrightnessUp | 174 | The "BRIGHTNESS_UP" key code. |
| BrightnessDown | 175 | The "BRIGHTNESS_DOWN" key code. |
| BrightnessToggle | 176 | The "BRIGHTNESS_TOGGLE" key code. |
| BrightnessMinimium | 177 | The "BRIGHTNESS_MINIMIUM" key code. |
| BrightnessMaximum | 178 | The "BRIGHTNESS_MAXIMUM" key code. |
| BrightnessAuto | 179 | The "BRIGHTNESS_AUTO" key code. |
| KbdIllumUp | 180 | The "KBD_ILLUM_UP" key code. |
| KbdIllumDown | 181 | The "KBD_ILLUM_DOWN" key code. |
| MediaLast | 182 | The "MEDIA_LAST" key code. |
| LaunchPhone | 183 | The "LAUNCH_PHONE" key code. |
| ProgramGuide | 184 | The "PROGRAM_GUIDE" key code. |
| Exit | 185 | The "EXIT" key code. |
| ChannelUp | 186 | The "CHANNEL_UP" key code. |
| ChannelDown | 187 | The "CHANNEL_DOWN" key code. |
| MediaPlay | 188 | The "MEDIA_PLAY" key code. |
| MediaPause | 189 | The "MEDIA_PAUSE" key code. |
| MediaRecord | 190 | The "MEDIA_RECORD" key code. |
| MediaFastForward | 191 | The "MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD" key code. |
| MediaRewind | 192 | The "MEDIA_REWIND" key code. |
| MediaTrackNext | 193 | The "MEDIA_TRACK_NEXT" key code. |
| MediaTrackPrevious | 194 | The "MEDIA_TRACK_PREVIOUS" key code. |
| MediaStop | 195 | The "MEDIA_STOP" key code. |
| Eject | 196 | The "EJECT" key code. |
| MediaPlayPause | 197 | The "MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE" key code. |
| SpeechInputToggle | 198 | The "SPEECH_INPUT_TOGGLE" key code. |
| BassBoost | 199 | The "BASS_BOOST" key code. |
| MediaSelect | 200 | The "MEDIA_SELECT" key code. |
| LaunchWordProcessor | 201 | The "LAUNCH_WORD_PROCESSOR" key code. |
| LaunchSpreadsheet | 202 | The "LAUNCH_SPREADSHEET" key code. |
| LaunchMail | 203 | The "LAUNCH_MAIL" key code. |
| LaunchContacts | 204 | The "LAUNCH_CONTACTS" key code. |
| LaunchCalendar | 205 | The "LAUNCH_CALENDAR" key code. |
| LaunchApp2 | 206 | The "LAUNCH_APP2" key code. |
| LaunchApp1 | 207 | The "LAUNCH_APP1" key code. |
| LaunchInternetBrowser | 208 | The "LAUNCH_INTERNET_BROWSER" key code. |
| LogOff | 209 | The "LOG_OFF" key code. |
| LockScreen | 210 | The "LOCK_SCREEN" key code. |
| LaunchControlPanel | 211 | The "LAUNCH_CONTROL_PANEL" key code. |
| SelectTask | 212 | The "SELECT_TASK" key code. |
| LaunchDocuments | 213 | The "LAUNCH_DOCUMENTS" key code. |
| SpellCheck | 214 | The "SPELL_CHECK" key code. |
| LaunchKeyboardLayout | 215 | The "LAUNCH_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT" key code. |
| LaunchScreenSaver | 216 | The "LAUNCH_SCREEN_SAVER" key code. |
| LaunchAssistant | 217 | The "LAUNCH_ASSISTANT" key code. |
| LaunchAudioBrowser | 218 | The "LAUNCH_AUDIO_BROWSER" key code. |
| New | 219 | The "NEW" key code. |
| Close | 220 | The "CLOSE" key code. |
| Save | 221 | The "SAVE" key code. |
| Print | 222 | The "PRINT" key code. |
| BrowserSearch | 223 | The "BROWSER_SEARCH" key code. |
| BrowserHome | 224 | The "BROWSER_HOME" key code. |
| BrowserBack | 225 | The "BROWSER_BACK" key code. |
| BrowserForward | 226 | The "BROWSER_FORWARD" key code. |
| BrowserStop | 227 | The "BROWSER_STOP" key code. |
| BrowserRefresh | 228 | The "BROWSER_REFRESH" key code. |
| BrowserFavorites | 229 | The "BROWSER_FAVORITES" key code. |
| ZoomIn | 230 | The "ZOOM_IN" key code. |
| ZoomOut | 231 | The "ZOOM_OUT" key code. |
| ZoomToggle | 232 | The "ZOOM_TOGGLE" key code. |
| Redo | 233 | The "REDO" key code. |
| MailReply | 234 | The "MAIL_REPLY" key code. |
| MailForward | 235 | The "MAIL_FORWARD" key code. |
| MailSend | 236 | The "MAIL_SEND" key code. |
| KeyboardLayoutSelect | 237 | The "KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_SELECT" key code. |
| ShowAllWindows | 238 | The "SHOW_ALL_WINDOWS" key code. |