Click or drag to resize

IDocument Interface

Represents DOM HTML document of the web page.

Namespace:  DotNetBrowser.Dom
Assembly:  DotNetBrowser (in DotNetBrowser.dll) Version: 2.24.1
public interface IDocument : INode, 
	IEventTarget, IAutoDisposable, ISearchContext

The IDocument type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBaseUri
Gets the <base> element's href attribute if one is present.
Public propertyChildren
Gets the collection of the child nodes. Modifying this collection will lead to the DOM tree modification.
(Inherited from INode.)
Public propertyDocument
Gets the document instance containing this node.
(Inherited from INode.)
Public propertyDocumentElement
Gets the document HTML element that usually represents HTML tag.
Public propertyEvents
Gets the DOM events that can be listened.
(Inherited from IEventTarget.)
Public propertyFocusedElement
Gets the currently focused element in the document.
Public propertyFrame
Gets the frame containing this node.
(Inherited from INode.)
Public propertyIsDisposed
Indicates if the object is already disposed.
(Inherited from IAutoDisposable.)
Public propertyNextSibling
Gets the next sibling node in the document tree.
(Inherited from INode.)
Public propertyNodeName
Gets the name of this node, depending on its NodeType.
(Inherited from INode.)
Public propertyNodeValue
Gets the value of this node, depending on its NodeType.
(Inherited from INode.)
Public propertyParent
Gets the parent node.
(Inherited from INode.)
Public propertyPreviousSibling
Gets the previous sibling node in the document tree.
(Inherited from INode.)
Public propertyTextContent
Gets or sets the text content of the node and its descendants.
(Inherited from INode.)
Public propertyType
Gets the type of this node.
(Inherited from INode.)
Public propertyXPath
Gets an XPath for the current Node.
(Inherited from INode.)
Public methodClick
Simulates click on the current Node.
(Inherited from INode.)
Public methodCompareDocumentPosition
Compares position of the current node against another node in a DOM tree.
(Inherited from INode.)
Public methodCreateElement
Creates and returns a new DOM element with the specified tag name.
Public methodCreateEvent
Creates a DOM event instance of the specified type.
Public methodCreateKeyDownEvent
Creates and returns a new keyDownIKeyEvent object with the given
Public methodCreateKeyPressEvent
Creates and returns a new keyPressIKeyEvent object with the given
Public methodCreateKeyUpEvent
Creates and returns a new keyUpIKeyEvent object with the given
Public methodCreateMouseEvent
Creates and returns a new IMouseEvent object with the given
Public methodCreateTextNode
Returns a new Text DOM node with TextNode type.
Public methodDispatchEvent
Dispatches (sends) a particular DOM event to the current target.
(Inherited from IEventTarget.)
Public methodEvaluate
Evaluates an XPath expression.
(Inherited from INode.)
Public methodGetElementByClassName
Finds the first IElement object in the current search context by the given className.
(Inherited from ISearchContext.)
Public methodGetElementByCssSelector
Finds the first IElement object in the current search context by the given CSS selector.
(Inherited from ISearchContext.)
Public methodGetElementById
Finds the first IElement object in the current search context by the given id.
(Inherited from ISearchContext.)
Public methodGetElementByName
Finds the first IElement object in the current search context by the given name.
(Inherited from ISearchContext.)
Public methodGetElementByTagName
Finds the first IElement object in the current search context by the given tag name.
(Inherited from ISearchContext.)
Public methodGetElementsByClassName
Finds all IElement objects in the current search context by the given className.
(Inherited from ISearchContext.)
Public methodGetElementsByCssSelector
Finds all IElement objects in the current search context by the given cssSelector.
(Inherited from ISearchContext.)
Public methodGetElementsByName
Finds all IElement objects in the current search context by the given name.
(Inherited from ISearchContext.)
Public methodGetElementsByTagName
Finds all IElement objects in the current search context by the given tag name.
(Inherited from ISearchContext.)
Public eventDisposed
Occurs when the object has been disposed.
(Inherited from IAutoDisposable.)
See Also