Click or drag to resize

BrowserView Events

The BrowserView type exposes the following members.

Public eventActualThemeVariantChanged (Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public eventAttachedToLogicalTree
Raised when the styled element is attached to a rooted logical tree.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public eventAttachedToVisualTree
Raised when the control is attached to a rooted visual tree.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public eventContextRequested
Occurs when the user has completed a context input gesture, such as a right-click.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public eventDataContextChanged
Occurs when the DataContext property changes.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public eventDetachedFromLogicalTree
Raised when the styled element is detached from a rooted logical tree.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public eventDetachedFromVisualTree
Raised when the control is detached from a rooted visual tree.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public eventDoubleTapped
Occurs when a double-tap gesture occurs on the control.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventEffectiveViewportChanged
Occurs when the element's effective viewport changes.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Public eventGotFocus
Occurs when the control receives focus.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventHolding
Occurs when a hold gesture occurs on the control.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventInitialized
Occurs when the styled element has finished initialization.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public eventKeyDown
Occurs when a key is pressed while the control has focus.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventKeyUp
Occurs when a key is released while the control has focus.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventLayoutUpdated
Occurs when a layout pass completes for the control.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Public eventLoaded
Occurs when the control has been fully constructed in the visual tree and both layout and render are complete.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public eventLostFocus
Occurs when the control loses focus.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventPointerCaptureLost
Occurs when the control or its child control loses the pointer capture for any reason, event will not be triggered for a parent control if capture was transferred to another child of that parent control
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventPointerEntered
Occurs when the pointer enters the control.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventPointerExited
Occurs when the pointer leaves the control.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventPointerMoved
Occurs when the pointer moves over the control.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventPointerPressed
Occurs when the pointer is pressed over the control.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventPointerReleased
Occurs when the pointer is released over the control.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventPointerWheelChanged
Occurs when the mouse is scrolled over the control.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventPropertyChanged
Raised when a AvaloniaProperty value changes on this object.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public eventResourcesChanged
Occurs when a resource in this styled element or a parent styled element has changed.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public eventSizeChanged
Occurs when the bounds (actual size) of the control have changed.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public eventTapped
Occurs when a tap gesture occurs on the control.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventTemplateApplied
Raised when the control's template is applied.
(Inherited from TemplatedControl.)
Public eventTextInput
Occurs when a user typed some text while the control has focus.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventTextInputMethodClientRequested
Occurs when an input element gains input focus and input method is looking for the corresponding client
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventUnloaded
Occurs when the control is removed from the visual tree.
(Inherited from Control.)
See Also