Click or drag to resize

IDialogs Properties

The IDialogs type exposes the following members.

Public propertyIsDisposed
Indicates if the object is already disposed.
(Inherited from IAutoDisposable.)
Public propertyOpenDirectoryHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when the browser requests to display a file chooser dialog to open a directory.
Public propertyOpenExternalAppHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when the currently loaded web page wants to open a link in the associated external application.
Public propertyOpenFileHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when the browser requests to display a file chooser dialog to open a file.
Public propertyOpenMultipleFilesHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when the browser requests to display a file chooser dialog to open several files.
Public propertyRepostFormHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when a web page with POST data is going to be reloaded and the user must confirm that the POST data can be resubmitted.
Public propertySaveAsPdfHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when the browser requests to display a file chooser dialog to save content as PDF.
Public propertySaveFileHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when the browser requests to display a file chooser dialog to save the file.
Public propertySelectColorHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when the user clicks an <input type='color'> HTML5 element.
See Also