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DotNetBrowser.Cast Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:DotNetBrowser.Cast"]

Public classCastSessionStartFailedException
Thrown when the cast session start has been failed.
Public classMediaRoutingException
Thrown when the media routing is disabled.
Public classPresentationRequest
The JavaScript
Public classReceiverDisconnectedException
Thrown when the receiver has been disconnected.
Public classReceiverNotDiscoveredException
Thrown when the receiver has not been discovered within the specified timeout.
Public classScreen
The screen whose content can be cast.
Public classScreenCastOptions
Configuration options for screen casting.
Public interfaceICast
A service that provides access for casting media on receivers.
Public interfaceICastSession
A session of casting media content to a media IMediaReceiver receiver.

The session is Discovered discovered when the user starts casting the browser/screen content or a presentation of media content via the DotNetBrowser API, or another application, i.e.Google Chrome. To indicate that the cast session has been started by another profile and, accordingly, a Chromium instance the IsLocal property is provided.

Public interfaceICastSessions
A service that allows observing IsAlive cast ICastSession sessions.
Public interfaceIMediaCasting
A service that provides access to all the required media casting services.
Public interfaceIMediaReceiver
A media receiver to which media content can be cast.

Usually, a media receiver is a device that supports the ChromeCast technology, but in Chromium's logic it can be even a wired display (HDMI, DVI, or similar).

Public interfaceIMediaReceivers
The service that allows observing media IMediaReceiver receivers in the environment.
Public interfaceIScreens
The service that allows obtaining connected screens whose content can be cast.
Public enumerationAudioMode
The audio casting mode for the content cast session.
Public enumerationCastMode
The types of content that can be cast to a media receiver.
Public enumerationMediaReceiverState
The state of the media receiver.
Public enumerationResultCode
Contains the codes indicating the result of creating a cast session.