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IPdfSettings Properties

The SystemPrinterIPdfSettings type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCollatePrintingEnabled
Enables or disables collate printing.
(Inherited from ICollateTPrintSettings.)
Public propertyColorModel
Gets or sets the color model.
(Inherited from IColorModelTPrintSettings.)
Public propertyCopies
Gets or sets the number of copies to print.
(Inherited from ICopiesTPrintSettings.)
Public propertyDuplexMode
Gets or sets the duplex mode.
(Inherited from IDuplexModeTPrintSettings.)
Public propertyFit
Gets or sets the content fit for printing.
(Inherited from IFitTPrintSettings.)
Public propertyPageRanges
Gets or sets the collection of the page ranges to print.
(Inherited from IPageRangesTPrintSettings.)
Public propertyPagesPerSheet
Gets or sets the number of pages per sheet.
(Inherited from IPagesPerSheetTPrintSettings.)
Public propertyPaperSize
Gets or sets the paper size for printing.
(Inherited from IPaperSizeTPrintSettings.)
Public propertyScaling
Gets or sets the scaling for printing.
(Inherited from IScalingTPrintSettings.)
See Also