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IEngine Properties

The IEngine type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCookieStore Obsolete.
Gets the cookie service that allows managing cookies for the default profile.
Public propertyDownloads Obsolete.
Gets the service that allows managing downloads for the default profile.
Public propertyHttpCache Obsolete.
Gets the HTTP cache service for the default profile.
Public propertyIsDisposed
Indicates if the object is already disposed.
(Inherited from IAutoDisposable.)
Public propertyMediaDevices
Gets the service that allows managing media stream devices.
Public propertyNetwork Obsolete.
Gets the service that allows working with network for the default profile.
Public propertyOptions
Gets the options that were used to initialize this IEngine.
Public propertyPermissions Obsolete.
Gets the service that allows managing permissions for the default profile.
Public propertyPlugins Obsolete.
Gets the service that allows configuring plugins for the default profile.
Public propertyProfiles
Gets the live collection of the Chromium profiles available in this engine.
Public propertyProxy Obsolete.
Gets the service that allows working with proxy for the default profile.
Public propertySpellChecker Obsolete.
Gets the service that allows working with spell checking functionality for the default profile.
Public propertyTheme
Gets or sets the current Chromium theme.
Public propertyZoomLevels Obsolete.
Gets the service that allows working with zoom for the default profile.
See Also