Click or drag to resize

IEventsItem Property

Gets or sets the custom DOM event to listen.

Namespace:  DotNetBrowser.Dom.Events
Assembly:  DotNetBrowser (in DotNetBrowser.dll) Version: 2.27.5
Event this[
	EventType eventType,
	bool useCapture = false
] { get; set; }


Type: DotNetBrowser.Dom.EventsEventType
The event type to listen.
useCapture (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
if true, indicates that the user wishes to initiate capture. After initiating capture, all events of the specified type will be dispatched to the registered listeners before being dispatched to any event target beneath them in the tree. Events which are bubbling upward through the tree will not trigger the listeners in this case.

Property Value

Type: Event
The object that can be used to listen to the custom DOM event.
See Also