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INetworkSendUploadDataHandler Property

Gets or sets a handler that is used when the upload data is about to send to the web server. Can be used to override the upload data before it is sent.

Namespace:  DotNetBrowser.Net
Assembly:  DotNetBrowser (in DotNetBrowser.dll) Version: 2.27.5
IHandler<SendUploadDataParameters, SendUploadDataResponse> SendUploadDataHandler { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: IHandlerSendUploadDataParameters, SendUploadDataResponse
ObjectDisposedExceptionThe INetwork object has already been disposed.

Use one of the following methods to modify the upload data:

Use the Continue method if you do not need to modify the upload data.

If exception occurs inside the handler, the default behavior will be applied - the Continue method will be used.

See Also