Click or drag to resize

BrowserView Class

The Avalonia-based implementation of a browser view.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  DotNetBrowser.AvaloniaUi
Assembly:  DotNetBrowser.AvaloniaUi (in DotNetBrowser.AvaloniaUi.dll) Version: 2.27.5
public class BrowserView : UserControl, 

The BrowserView type exposes the following members.

Public methodBrowserView
Initializes a new instance of the Visual class.
Public propertyActualThemeVariant (Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public propertyBackground
Gets or sets the brush used to draw the control's background.
(Inherited from TemplatedControl.)
Public propertyBorderBrush
Gets or sets the brush used to draw the control's border.
(Inherited from TemplatedControl.)
Public propertyBorderThickness
Gets or sets the thickness of the control's border.
(Inherited from TemplatedControl.)
Public propertyBounds
Gets the bounds of the control relative to its parent.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyBypassFlowDirectionPolicies
Gets a value indicating whether control bypass FlowDirecton policies.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public propertyClasses
Gets or sets the styled element's classes.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public propertyClip
Gets or sets the geometry clip for this visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public propertyClipToBounds
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control should be clipped to its bounds.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public propertyContent
Gets or sets the content to display.
(Inherited from ContentControl.)
Public propertyContentTemplate
Gets or sets the data template used to display the content of the control.
(Inherited from ContentControl.)
Public propertyContextFlyout
Gets or sets a context flyout to the control
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyContextMenu
Gets or sets a context menu to the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyCornerRadius
Gets or sets the radius of the border rounded corners.
(Inherited from TemplatedControl.)
Public propertyCreatePopupHandler
Public propertyCursor
Gets or sets associated mouse cursor.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public propertyDataContext
Gets or sets the control's data context.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public propertyDataTemplates
Gets or sets the data templates for the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyDesiredSize
Gets the size that this element computed during the measure pass of the layout process.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Public propertyEffect
Gets or sets the effect of the control.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public propertyFlowDirection
Gets or sets the text flow direction.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public propertyFocusable
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can receive focus.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public propertyFocusAdorner
Gets or sets the control's focus adorner.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyFontFamily
Gets or sets the font family used to draw the control's text.
(Inherited from TemplatedControl.)
Public propertyFontSize
Gets or sets the size of the control's text in points.
(Inherited from TemplatedControl.)
Public propertyFontStretch
Gets or sets the font stretch used to draw the control's text.
(Inherited from TemplatedControl.)
Public propertyFontStyle
Gets or sets the font style used to draw the control's text.
(Inherited from TemplatedControl.)
Public propertyFontWeight
Gets or sets the font weight used to draw the control's text.
(Inherited from TemplatedControl.)
Public propertyForeground
Gets or sets the brush used to draw the control's text and other foreground elements.
(Inherited from TemplatedControl.)
Public propertyGestureRecognizers (Inherited from InputElement.)
Public propertyHasMirrorTransform
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to apply mirror transform on this control.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public propertyHeight
Gets or sets the height of the element.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Public propertyHorizontalAlignment
Gets or sets the element's preferred horizontal alignment in its parent.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Public propertyHorizontalContentAlignment
Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the content within the control.
(Inherited from ContentControl.)
Protected propertyInheritanceParent
Gets or sets the parent object that inherited AvaloniaProperty values are inherited from.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public propertyIsArrangeValid
Gets a value indicating whether the control's layouts arrange is valid.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Public propertyIsEffectivelyEnabled (Inherited from InputElement.)
Public propertyIsEffectivelyVisible
Gets a value indicating whether this control and all its parents are visible.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public propertyIsEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control is enabled for user interaction.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Protected propertyIsEnabledCore
Allows a derived class to override the enabled state of the control.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public propertyIsFocused
Gets a value indicating whether the control is focused.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public propertyIsHitTestVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control is considered for hit testing.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public propertyIsInitialized
Gets a value that indicates whether the element has finished initialization.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public propertyIsKeyboardFocusWithin
Gets a value indicating whether keyboard focus is anywhere within the element or its visual tree child elements.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public propertyIsLoaded
Gets a value indicating whether the control is fully constructed in the visual tree and both layout and render are complete.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyIsMeasureValid
Gets a value indicating whether the control's layout measure is valid.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Public propertyIsPointerOver
Gets a value indicating whether the pointer is currently over the control.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public propertyIsTabStop
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control is included in tab navigation.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public propertyIsVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this control is visible.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the value of a AvaloniaProperty.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets a binding for a AvaloniaProperty.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public propertyKeyBindings (Inherited from InputElement.)
Protected propertyLogicalChildren
Gets the styled element's logical children.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public propertyMargin
Gets or sets the margin around the element.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Public propertyMaxHeight
Gets or sets the maximum height of the element.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Public propertyMaxWidth
Gets or sets the maximum width of the element.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Public propertyMenuItems
The collection of the current context menu items.
Public propertyMinHeight
Gets or sets the minimum height of the element.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Public propertyMinWidth
Gets or sets the minimum width of the element.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of the styled element.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public propertyOpacity
Gets or sets the opacity of the control.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public propertyOpacityMask
Gets or sets the opacity mask of the control.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public propertyOpenPopupHandler
Public propertyPadding
Gets or sets the padding placed between the border of the control and its content.
(Inherited from TemplatedControl.)
Public propertyParent
Gets the styled element's logical parent.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public propertyPresenter
Gets the presenter from the control's template.
(Inherited from ContentControl.)
Protected propertyPseudoClasses
Gets the Classes collection in a form that allows adding and removing pseudoclasses.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public propertyRenderTransform
Gets or sets the render transform of the control.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public propertyRenderTransformOrigin
Gets or sets the transform origin of the control.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public propertyResources
Gets or sets the styled element's resource dictionary.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public propertySaveCreditCardHandler
Public propertySavePasswordHandler
Public propertySaveUserDataProfileHandler
Public propertySelectCertificateHandler
Public propertyShowContextMenuHandler
Public propertyStartDownloadHandler
Public propertyStyleKey
Gets the type by which the element is styled.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Protected propertyStyleKeyOverride
Gets the type by which the element is styled.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public propertyStyles
Gets the styles for the styled element.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public propertyTabIndex
Gets or sets a value that determines the order in which elements receive focus when the user navigates through controls by pressing the Tab key.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public propertyTag
Gets or sets a user-defined object attached to the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyTemplate
Gets or sets the template that defines the control's appearance.
(Inherited from TemplatedControl.)
Public propertyTemplatedParent
Gets the styled element whose lookless template this styled element is part of.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public propertyTheme
Gets or sets the theme to be applied to the element.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public propertyTransitions
Gets or sets the property transitions for the control.
(Inherited from Animatable.)
Public propertyUpdatePasswordHandler
Public propertyUpdateUserDataProfileHandler
Public propertyUseLayoutRounding
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the element should be snapped to pixel boundaries at layout time.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Public propertyVerticalAlignment
Gets or sets the element's preferred vertical alignment in its parent.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Public propertyVerticalContentAlignment
Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the content within the control.
(Inherited from ContentControl.)
Protected propertyVisualChildren
Gets the control's child visuals.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualRoot
Gets the root of the visual tree, if the control is attached to a visual tree.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public propertyWidth
Gets or sets the width of the element.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Public propertyZIndex
Gets or sets the Z index of the control.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public methodAddHandler(RoutedEvent, Delegate, RoutingStrategies, Boolean)
Adds a handler for the specified routed event.
(Inherited from Interactive.)
Public methodAddHandler``1(RoutedEventUMP, EventHandlerUMP, RoutingStrategies, Boolean)
Adds a handler for the specified routed event.
(Inherited from Interactive.)
Public methodApplyStyling
Applies styling to the control if the control is initialized and styling is not already applied.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public methodApplyTemplate (Inherited from TemplatedControl.)
Public methodArrange
Arranges the control and its children.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Protected methodArrangeCore
The default implementation of the control's arrange pass.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Protected methodArrangeOverride
Positions child elements as part of a layout pass.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Public methodBeginInit (Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public methodBind(AvaloniaProperty, IObservableObject, BindingPriority)
Binds a AvaloniaProperty to an observable.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public methodBind``1(DirectPropertyBaseUMP, IObservableObject)
Binds a AvaloniaProperty to an observable.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public methodBind``1(DirectPropertyBaseUMP, IObservableUMP)
Binds a AvaloniaProperty to an observable.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public methodBind``1(DirectPropertyBaseUMP, IObservableBindingValueUMP)
Binds a AvaloniaProperty to an observable.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public methodBind``1(StyledPropertyUMP, IObservableObject, BindingPriority)
Binds a AvaloniaProperty to an observable.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public methodBind``1(StyledPropertyUMP, IObservableUMP, BindingPriority)
Binds a AvaloniaProperty to an observable.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public methodBind``1(StyledPropertyUMP, IObservableBindingValueUMP, BindingPriority)
Binds a AvaloniaProperty to an observable.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Protected methodBuildEventRoute
Builds an event route for a routed event.
(Inherited from Interactive.)
Public methodCheckAccess
Returns a value indicating whether the current thread is the UI thread.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public methodClearValue(AvaloniaProperty)
Clears a AvaloniaProperty's local value.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public methodClearValue``1(AvaloniaPropertyUMP)
Clears a AvaloniaProperty's local value.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public methodClearValue``1(StyledPropertyUMP)
Clears a AvaloniaProperty's local value.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public methodClearValue``1(DirectPropertyBaseUMP)
Clears a AvaloniaProperty's local value.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public methodCoerceValue
Coerces the specified AvaloniaProperty.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public methodEndInit (Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public methodEquals
Compares two objects using reference equality.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFocus (Inherited from InputElement.)
Public methodGetBaseValue``1
Gets an AvaloniaProperty base value.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Gets the hash code for the object.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Protected methodGetTemplateFocusTarget (Inherited from TemplatedControl.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetValue(AvaloniaProperty)
Gets a AvaloniaProperty value.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public methodGetValue``1(StyledPropertyUMP)
Gets a AvaloniaProperty value.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public methodGetValue``1(DirectPropertyBaseUMP)
Gets a AvaloniaProperty value.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public methodInitializeComponent
Wires up the controls and optionally loads XAML markup and attaches dev tools (if Avalonia.Diagnostics package is referenced).
Protected methodInitializeIfNeeded (Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public methodInvalidateArrange
Invalidates the arrangement of the control and queues a new layout pass.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Public methodInvalidateMeasure
Invalidates the measurement of the control and queues a new layout pass.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Protected methodInvalidateMirrorTransform
Computes the HasMirrorTransform value according to the FlowDirection and BypassFlowDirectionPolicies
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public methodInvalidateVisual
Invalidates the visual and queues a repaint.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public methodIsAnimating
Checks whether a AvaloniaProperty is animating.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public methodIsSet
Checks whether a AvaloniaProperty is set on this object.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Protected methodLogicalChildrenCollectionChanged (Inherited from Visual.)
Public methodMeasure
Carries out a measure of the control.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Protected methodMeasureCore
The default implementation of the control's measure pass.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Protected methodMeasureOverride
Measures the control and its child elements as part of a layout pass.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnApplyTemplate
Called when the control's template is applied. In simple terms, this means the method is called just before the control is displayed.
(Inherited from TemplatedControl.)
Protected methodOnAttachedToLogicalTree (Inherited from TemplatedControl.)
Protected methodOnAttachedToVisualTree
Called when the control is added to a rooted visual tree.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected methodOnAttachedToVisualTreeCore (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnCreateAutomationPeer
Returns a new, type-specific AutomationPeer implementation for the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnDataContextBeginUpdate
Called when the DataContext begins updating.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Protected methodOnDataContextChanged
Called when the DataContext property changes.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Protected methodOnDataContextEndUpdate
Called when the DataContext finishes updating.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Protected methodOnDetachedFromLogicalTree (Inherited from TemplatedControl.)
Protected methodOnDetachedFromVisualTree
Called when the control is removed from a rooted visual tree.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected methodOnDetachedFromVisualTreeCore (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodOnFocusRequested
Protected methodOnGotFocus (Overrides Control.OnGotFocus(GotFocusEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnInitialized
Called when the control finishes initialization.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Protected methodOnKeyDown
Called before the KeyDown event occurs.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Protected methodOnKeyUp (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnLoaded
Invoked just before the Loaded event.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnLostFocus (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnMeasureInvalidated
Called by InvalidateMeasure
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Protected methodOnPointerCaptureLost
Called before the PointerCaptureLost event occurs.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Protected methodOnPointerEntered
Called before the PointerEntered event occurs.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Protected methodOnPointerExited
Called before the PointerExited event occurs.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Protected methodOnPointerMoved
Called before the PointerMoved event occurs.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Protected methodOnPointerPressed
Called before the PointerPressed event occurs.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Protected methodOnPointerReleased (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnPointerWheelChanged
Called before the PointerWheelChanged event occurs.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Protected methodOnPropertyChanged (Overrides ContentControl.OnPropertyChanged(AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnPropertyChangedCore (Inherited from Animatable.)
Protected methodOnSizeChanged
Invoked just before the SizeChanged event.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnTemplateChanged
Called when the Template property changes.
(Inherited from TemplatedControl.)
Protected methodOnTextInput
Called before the TextInput event occurs.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Protected methodOnUnloaded
Invoked just before the Unloaded event.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnVisualParentChanged (Inherited from Layoutable.)
Public methodRaiseEvent
Raises a routed event.
(Inherited from Interactive.)
Protected methodRaisePropertyChanged``1
Raises the PropertyChanged event for a direct property.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Protected methodRegisterContentPresenter
Called when an ContentPresenter is registered with the control.
(Inherited from ContentControl.)
Public methodRemoveHandler(RoutedEvent, Delegate)
Removes a handler for the specified routed event.
(Inherited from Interactive.)
Public methodRemoveHandler``1(RoutedEventUMP, EventHandlerUMP)
Removes a handler for the specified routed event.
(Inherited from Interactive.)
Public methodRender
Renders the visual to a DrawingContext.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected methodSetAndRaise``1
Sets the backing field for a direct avalonia property, raising the PropertyChanged event if the value has changed.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public methodSetCurrentValue(AvaloniaProperty, Object)
Sets the value of a dependency property without changing its value source.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public methodSetCurrentValue``1(StyledPropertyUMP, UMP)
Sets the value of a dependency property without changing its value source.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public methodSetValue(AvaloniaProperty, Object, BindingPriority)
Sets a AvaloniaProperty value.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public methodSetValue``1(DirectPropertyBaseUMP, UMP)
Sets a AvaloniaProperty value.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public methodSetValue``1(StyledPropertyUMP, UMP, BindingPriority)
Sets a AvaloniaProperty value.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTryGetResource (Inherited from StyledElement.)
Protected methodUpdateDataValidation
Called to update the validation state for properties for which data validation is enabled.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Protected methodUpdateIsEffectivelyEnabled
Updates the IsEffectivelyEnabled property value according to the parent control's enabled state and IsEnabledCore.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public methodUpdateLayout
Executes a layout pass.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Public methodVerifyAccess
Checks that the current thread is the UI thread and throws if not.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public eventActualThemeVariantChanged (Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public eventAttachedToLogicalTree
Raised when the styled element is attached to a rooted logical tree.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public eventAttachedToVisualTree
Raised when the control is attached to a rooted visual tree.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public eventContextRequested
Occurs when the user has completed a context input gesture, such as a right-click.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public eventDataContextChanged
Occurs when the DataContext property changes.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public eventDetachedFromLogicalTree
Raised when the styled element is detached from a rooted logical tree.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public eventDetachedFromVisualTree
Raised when the control is detached from a rooted visual tree.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public eventDoubleTapped
Occurs when a double-tap gesture occurs on the control.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventEffectiveViewportChanged
Occurs when the element's effective viewport changes.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Public eventGotFocus
Occurs when the control receives focus.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventHolding
Occurs when a hold gesture occurs on the control.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventInitialized
Occurs when the styled element has finished initialization.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public eventKeyDown
Occurs when a key is pressed while the control has focus.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventKeyUp
Occurs when a key is released while the control has focus.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventLayoutUpdated
Occurs when a layout pass completes for the control.
(Inherited from Layoutable.)
Public eventLoaded
Occurs when the control has been fully constructed in the visual tree and both layout and render are complete.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public eventLostFocus
Occurs when the control loses focus.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventPointerCaptureLost
Occurs when the control or its child control loses the pointer capture for any reason, event will not be triggered for a parent control if capture was transferred to another child of that parent control
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventPointerEntered
Occurs when the pointer enters the control.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventPointerExited
Occurs when the pointer leaves the control.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventPointerMoved
Occurs when the pointer moves over the control.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventPointerPressed
Occurs when the pointer is pressed over the control.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventPointerReleased
Occurs when the pointer is released over the control.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventPointerWheelChanged
Occurs when the mouse is scrolled over the control.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventPropertyChanged
Raised when a AvaloniaProperty value changes on this object.
(Inherited from AvaloniaObject.)
Public eventResourcesChanged
Occurs when a resource in this styled element or a parent styled element has changed.
(Inherited from StyledElement.)
Public eventSizeChanged
Occurs when the bounds (actual size) of the control have changed.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public eventTapped
Occurs when a tap gesture occurs on the control.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventTemplateApplied
Raised when the control's template is applied.
(Inherited from TemplatedControl.)
Public eventTextInput
Occurs when a user typed some text while the control has focus.
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventTextInputMethodClientRequested
Occurs when an input element gains input focus and input method is looking for the corresponding client
(Inherited from InputElement.)
Public eventUnloaded
Occurs when the control is removed from the visual tree.
(Inherited from Control.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodInitializeFrom
Initialize a browser view from this particular IBrowser instance. If there is another browser view bound to this browser instance, that view will be de-initialized.
(Defined by BrowserViewExtensions.)

To bind an instance of this view to a particular browser, use its InitializeFrom(IBrowserView, IBrowser) method:


This method should be called from the UI thread.

See Also