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WebRtcIpHandlingPolicy Enumeration

The media performance/privacy tradeoffs which affect how WebRTC traffic will be routed and how much local address information will be exposed.

Namespace:  DotNetBrowser.Browser
Assembly:  DotNetBrowser (in DotNetBrowser.dll) Version: 2.27.5
public enum WebRtcIpHandlingPolicy
  Member nameValueDescription
Unspecified0 The policy has not been specified.
Default1 This is the default behavior. Currently, WebRTC has the right to enumerate all interfaces and bind them to discover public interfaces.
DefaultPublicInterfacesOnly2 WebRTC should only use the default route used by HTTP. This doesn't expose any local addresses.
DefaultPublicAndPrivateInterfaces3 WebRTC should only use the default route used by HTTP. This also exposes the associated default private address. Default route is the route chosen by the OS on a multi-homed endpoint.
DisableNonProxiedUdp4 WebRTC should only use TCP to contact peers or servers unless the proxy server supports UDP. This doesn't expose any local addresses either.
See Also