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CreditCardNetworkType Enumeration

The type of the credit card network.

Namespace:  DotNetBrowser.Card
Assembly:  DotNetBrowser (in DotNetBrowser.dll) Version: 2.27.5
public enum CreditCardNetworkType
  Member nameValueDescription
CreditCardNetworkTypeUnspecified0 Unspecified Credit card network type.
AmericanExpress1 The AmericanExpress network type.
Diners2 The Diners network type.
Discover3 The Discover network type.
Elo4 The Elo network type.
Generic5 The Generic network type.
Jcb6 The Jcb network type.
MasterCard7 The MasterCard network type.
Mir8 The Mir network type.
Troy9 The Troy network type.
UnionPay10 The UnionPay network type.
Visa11 The Visa network type.
See Also