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ResultCode Enumeration

Contains the codes indicating the result of creating a cast session.

Namespace:  DotNetBrowser.Cast
Assembly:  DotNetBrowser (in DotNetBrowser.dll) Version: 2.27.5
public enum ResultCode
  Member nameValueDescription
ResultCodeUnspecified0 Reserved value.
Ok1 The cast session successfully started.
TimedOut2 The cast session has not been created within the specified time.
CastSessionNotFound3 The cast session was not found.
ReceiverNotFound4 The receiver was not found when starting the cast session.
NoSupportedProvider5 The media source provider is not supported.
Cancelled6 The cast session has been canceled, i.e. via the "Cancel" button in the screen picker.
CastSessionAlreadyExists7 The cast session can not be created since it already exists.
DesktopPickerFailed8 An attempt to show the screen picker has failed.
See Also