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DomKeyCode Enumeration

The DOM key codes represent physical keys on the keyboard (as opposed to the character generated by pressing the key). In other words, these values are not altered by keyboard layout or the state of the modifier keys.

Namespace:  DotNetBrowser.Dom.Events
Assembly:  DotNetBrowser (in DotNetBrowser.dll) Version: 2.27.5
public enum DomKeyCode
  Member nameValueDescription
Unknown0 The key code is unidentified.
None1 No key code.
Hyper2 The "HYPER" key code.
Super3 The "SUPER" key code.
Fn4 The "FN" key code.
FnLock5 The "FN_LOCK" key code.
Suspend6 The "SUSPEND" key code.
Resume7 The "RESUME" key code.
Turbo8 The "TURBO" key code.
PrivacyScreenToggle9 The "PRIVACY_SCREEN_TOGGLE" key code.
Sleep10 The "SLEEP" key code.
WakeUp11 The "WAKE_UP" key code.
DisplayToggleIntExt12 The "DISPLAY_TOGGLE_INT_EXT" key code.
UsbReserved13 The "USB_RESERVED" key code.
UsbErrorRollOver14 The "USB_ERROR_ROLL_OVER" key code.
UsbPostFail15 The "USB_POST_FAIL" key code.
UsbErrorUndefined16 The "USB_ERROR_UNDEFINED" key code.
UsA17 The "US_A" key code.
UsB18 The "US_B" key code.
UsC19 The "US_C" key code.
UsD20 The "US_D" key code.
UsE21 The "US_E" key code.
UsF22 The "US_F" key code.
UsG23 The "US_G" key code.
UsH24 The "US_H" key code.
UsI25 The "US_I" key code.
UsJ26 The "US_J" key code.
UsK27 The "US_K" key code.
UsL28 The "US_L" key code.
UsM29 The "US_M" key code.
UsN30 The "US_N" key code.
UsO31 The "US_O" key code.
UsP32 The "US_P" key code.
UsQ33 The "US_Q" key code.
UsR34 The "US_R" key code.
UsS35 The "US_S" key code.
UsT36 The "US_T" key code.
UsU37 The "US_U" key code.
UsV38 The "US_V" key code.
UsW39 The "US_W" key code.
UsX40 The "US_X" key code.
UsY41 The "US_Y" key code.
UsZ42 The "US_Z" key code.
Digit143 The "DIGIT1" key code.
Digit244 The "DIGIT2" key code.
Digit345 The "DIGIT3" key code.
Digit446 The "DIGIT4" key code.
Digit547 The "DIGIT5" key code.
Digit648 The "DIGIT6" key code.
Digit749 The "DIGIT7" key code.
Digit850 The "DIGIT8" key code.
Digit951 The "DIGIT9" key code.
Digit052 The "DIGIT0" key code.
Enter53 The "ENTER" key code.
Escape54 The "ESCAPE" key code.
Backspace55 The "BACKSPACE" key code.
Tab56 The "TAB" key code.
Space57 The "SPACE" key code.
Minus58 The "MINUS" key code.
Equal59 The "EQUAL" key code.
BracketLeft60 The "BRACKET_LEFT" key code.
BracketRight61 The "BRACKET_RIGHT" key code.
Backslash62 The "BACKSLASH" key code.
Semicolon63 The "SEMICOLON" key code.
Quote64 The "QUOTE" key code.
Backquote65 The "BACKQUOTE" key code.
Comma66 The "COMMA" key code.
Period67 The "PERIOD" key code.
Slash68 The "SLASH" key code.
CapsLock69 The "CAPS_LOCK" key code.
F170 The "F1" key code.
F271 The "F2" key code.
F372 The "F3" key code.
F473 The "F4" key code.
F574 The "F5" key code.
F675 The "F6" key code.
F776 The "F7" key code.
F877 The "F8" key code.
F978 The "F9" key code.
F1079 The "F10" key code.
F1180 The "F11" key code.
F1281 The "F12" key code.
PrintScreen82 The "PRINT_SCREEN" key code.
ScrollLock83 The "SCROLL_LOCK" key code.
Pause84 The "PAUSE" key code.
Insert85 The "INSERT" key code.
Home86 The "HOME" key code.
PageUp87 The "PAGE_UP" key code.
Del88 The "DEL" key code.
End89 The "END" key code.
PageDown90 The "PAGE_DOWN" key code.
ArrowRight91 The "ARROW_RIGHT" key code.
ArrowLeft92 The "ARROW_LEFT" key code.
ArrowDown93 The "ARROW_DOWN" key code.
ArrowUp94 The "ARROW_UP" key code.
NumLock95 The "NUM_LOCK" key code.
NumpadDivide96 The "NUMPAD_DIVIDE" key code.
NumpadMultiply97 The "NUMPAD_MULTIPLY" key code.
NumpadSubtract98 The "NUMPAD_SUBTRACT" key code.
NumpadAdd99 The "NUMPAD_ADD" key code.
NumpadEnter100 The "NUMPAD_ENTER" key code.
Numpad1101 The "NUMPAD1" key code.
Numpad2102 The "NUMPAD2" key code.
Numpad3103 The "NUMPAD3" key code.
Numpad4104 The "NUMPAD4" key code.
Numpad5105 The "NUMPAD5" key code.
Numpad6106 The "NUMPAD6" key code.
Numpad7107 The "NUMPAD7" key code.
Numpad8108 The "NUMPAD8" key code.
Numpad9109 The "NUMPAD9" key code.
Numpad0110 The "NUMPAD0" key code.
NumpadDecimal111 The "NUMPAD_DECIMAL" key code.
IntlBackslash112 The "INTL_BACKSLASH" key code.
ContextMenu113 The "CONTEXT_MENU" key code.
Power114 The "POWER" key code.
NumpadEqual115 The "NUMPAD_EQUAL" key code.
F13116 The "F13" key code.
F14117 The "F14" key code.
F15118 The "F15" key code.
F16119 The "F16" key code.
F17120 The "F17" key code.
F18121 The "F18" key code.
F19122 The "F19" key code.
F20123 The "F20" key code.
F21124 The "F21" key code.
F22125 The "F22" key code.
F23126 The "F23" key code.
F24127 The "F24" key code.
Open128 The "OPEN" key code.
Help129 The "HELP" key code.
Select130 The "SELECT" key code.
Again131 The "AGAIN" key code.
Undo132 The "UNDO" key code.
Cut133 The "CUT" key code.
Copy134 The "COPY" key code.
Paste135 The "PASTE" key code.
Find136 The "FIND" key code.
VolumeMute137 The "VOLUME_MUTE" key code.
VolumeUp138 The "VOLUME_UP" key code.
VolumeDown139 The "VOLUME_DOWN" key code.
NumpadComma140 The "NUMPAD_COMMA" key code.
IntlRo141 The "INTL_RO" key code.
KanaMode142 The "KANA_MODE" key code.
IntlYen143 The "INTL_YEN" key code.
Convert144 The "CONVERT" key code.
NonConvert145 The "NON_CONVERT" key code.
Lang1146 The "LANG1" key code.
Lang2147 The "LANG2" key code.
Lang3148 The "LANG3" key code.
Lang4149 The "LANG4" key code.
Lang5150 The "LANG5" key code.
Abort151 The "ABORT" key code.
Props152 The "PROPS" key code.
NumpadParenLeft153 The "NUMPAD_PAREN_LEFT" key code.
NumpadParenRight154 The "NUMPAD_PAREN_RIGHT" key code.
NumpadBackspace155 The "NUMPAD_BACKSPACE" key code.
NumpadMemoryStore156 The "NUMPAD_MEMORY_STORE" key code.
NumpadMemoryRecall157 The "NUMPAD_MEMORY_RECALL" key code.
NumpadMemoryClear158 The "NUMPAD_MEMORY_CLEAR" key code.
NumpadMemoryAdd159 The "NUMPAD_MEMORY_ADD" key code.
NumpadMemorySubtract160 The "NUMPAD_MEMORY_SUBTRACT" key code.
NumpadSignChange161 The "NUMPAD_SIGN_CHANGE" key code.
NumpadClear162 The "NUMPAD_CLEAR" key code.
NumpadClearEntry163 The "NUMPAD_CLEAR_ENTRY" key code.
ControlLeft164 The "CONTROL_LEFT" key code.
ShiftLeft165 The "SHIFT_LEFT" key code.
AltLeft166 The "ALT_LEFT" key code.
MetaLeft167 The "META_LEFT" key code.
ControlRight168 The "CONTROL_RIGHT" key code.
ShiftRight169 The "SHIFT_RIGHT" key code.
AltRight170 The "ALT_RIGHT" key code.
MetaRight171 The "META_RIGHT" key code.
Info172 The "INFO" key code.
ClosedCaptionToggle173 The "CLOSED_CAPTION_TOGGLE" key code.
BrightnessUp174 The "BRIGHTNESS_UP" key code.
BrightnessDown175 The "BRIGHTNESS_DOWN" key code.
BrightnessToggle176 The "BRIGHTNESS_TOGGLE" key code.
BrightnessMinimium177 The "BRIGHTNESS_MINIMIUM" key code.
BrightnessMaximum178 The "BRIGHTNESS_MAXIMUM" key code.
BrightnessAuto179 The "BRIGHTNESS_AUTO" key code.
KbdIllumUp180 The "KBD_ILLUM_UP" key code.
KbdIllumDown181 The "KBD_ILLUM_DOWN" key code.
MediaLast182 The "MEDIA_LAST" key code.
LaunchPhone183 The "LAUNCH_PHONE" key code.
ProgramGuide184 The "PROGRAM_GUIDE" key code.
Exit185 The "EXIT" key code.
ChannelUp186 The "CHANNEL_UP" key code.
ChannelDown187 The "CHANNEL_DOWN" key code.
MediaPlay188 The "MEDIA_PLAY" key code.
MediaPause189 The "MEDIA_PAUSE" key code.
MediaRecord190 The "MEDIA_RECORD" key code.
MediaFastForward191 The "MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD" key code.
MediaRewind192 The "MEDIA_REWIND" key code.
MediaTrackNext193 The "MEDIA_TRACK_NEXT" key code.
MediaTrackPrevious194 The "MEDIA_TRACK_PREVIOUS" key code.
MediaStop195 The "MEDIA_STOP" key code.
Eject196 The "EJECT" key code.
MediaPlayPause197 The "MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE" key code.
SpeechInputToggle198 The "SPEECH_INPUT_TOGGLE" key code.
BassBoost199 The "BASS_BOOST" key code.
MediaSelect200 The "MEDIA_SELECT" key code.
LaunchWordProcessor201 The "LAUNCH_WORD_PROCESSOR" key code.
LaunchSpreadsheet202 The "LAUNCH_SPREADSHEET" key code.
LaunchMail203 The "LAUNCH_MAIL" key code.
LaunchContacts204 The "LAUNCH_CONTACTS" key code.
LaunchCalendar205 The "LAUNCH_CALENDAR" key code.
LaunchApp2206 The "LAUNCH_APP2" key code.
LaunchApp1207 The "LAUNCH_APP1" key code.
LaunchInternetBrowser208 The "LAUNCH_INTERNET_BROWSER" key code.
LogOff209 The "LOG_OFF" key code.
LockScreen210 The "LOCK_SCREEN" key code.
LaunchControlPanel211 The "LAUNCH_CONTROL_PANEL" key code.
SelectTask212 The "SELECT_TASK" key code.
LaunchDocuments213 The "LAUNCH_DOCUMENTS" key code.
SpellCheck214 The "SPELL_CHECK" key code.
LaunchKeyboardLayout215 The "LAUNCH_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT" key code.
LaunchScreenSaver216 The "LAUNCH_SCREEN_SAVER" key code.
LaunchAssistant217 The "LAUNCH_ASSISTANT" key code.
LaunchAudioBrowser218 The "LAUNCH_AUDIO_BROWSER" key code.
New219 The "NEW" key code.
Close220 The "CLOSE" key code.
Save221 The "SAVE" key code.
Print222 The "PRINT" key code.
BrowserSearch223 The "BROWSER_SEARCH" key code.
BrowserHome224 The "BROWSER_HOME" key code.
BrowserBack225 The "BROWSER_BACK" key code.
BrowserForward226 The "BROWSER_FORWARD" key code.
BrowserStop227 The "BROWSER_STOP" key code.
BrowserRefresh228 The "BROWSER_REFRESH" key code.
BrowserFavorites229 The "BROWSER_FAVORITES" key code.
ZoomIn230 The "ZOOM_IN" key code.
ZoomOut231 The "ZOOM_OUT" key code.
ZoomToggle232 The "ZOOM_TOGGLE" key code.
Redo233 The "REDO" key code.
MailReply234 The "MAIL_REPLY" key code.
MailForward235 The "MAIL_FORWARD" key code.
MailSend236 The "MAIL_SEND" key code.
KeyboardLayoutSelect237 The "KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_SELECT" key code.
ShowAllWindows238 The "SHOW_ALL_WINDOWS" key code.
See Also