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KeyCode Enumeration

The virtual key codes.

Namespace:  DotNetBrowser.Input.Keyboard.Events
Assembly:  DotNetBrowser (in DotNetBrowser.dll) Version: 2.27.5
public enum KeyCode
  Member nameValueDescription
Unknown0Reserved value.
LButton1 The left mouse button (VK_LBUTTON).
RButton2 The right mouse button (VK_RBUTTON).
Cancel3 Control-break processing (VK_CANCEL).
MButton4 The middle mouse button (three-button mouse)
XButton15 The X1 mouse button (VK_XBUTTON1).
XButton26 The X2 mouse button(VK_XBUTTON2).
Back8 The BACKSPACE key (VK_BACK).
Tab9 The TAB key (VK_TAB).
Clear12 The CLEAR key (VK_CLEAR).
Return13 The ENTER key (VK_RETURN).
Shift16 The SHIFT key (VK_SHIFT).
Control17 The CTRL key (VK_CONTROL).
Menu18 The ALT key (VK_MENU).
Pause19 The PAUSE key (VK_PAUSE).
Capital20 The CAPS LOCK key (VK_CAPITAL).
Kana21 IME Kana mode (VK_KANA).
Hanguel21 IME Hanguel mode (maintained for compatibility; use Hangul).
Hangul21 IME Hangul mode.
Junja23IME Junja mode.
Final24IME final mode.
Hanja25IME Hanja mode.
Kanji25IME Kanji mode.
Escape27ESC key.
Convert28IME convert.
NonConvert29IME nonconvert.
Accept30IME accept.
ModeChange31IME mode change request.
Space32The spacebar (VK_SPACE).
Prior33The PAGE UP key.
Next34The PAGE DOWN key.
End35The END key.
Home36The HOME key.
Left37The LEFT ARROW key.
Up38The UP ARROW key.
Right39The RIGHT ARROW key.
Down40The DOWN ARROW key.
Select41The SELECT key.
Print42The PRINT key.
Execute43The EXECUTE key
Snapshot44 The PRINT SCREEN / SysRq key (VK_SNAPSHOT).
Insert45 The INS key (VK_INSERT).
Delete46 The DEL key (VK_DELETE).
Help47 The HELP key (VK_HELP).
Vk048 The '0' key.
Vk149The '1' key.
Vk250The '2' key.
Vk351The '3' key.
Vk452The '4' key.
Vk553The '5' key.
Vk654The '6' key.
Vk755The '7' key.
Vk856The '8' key.
Vk957The '9' key.
VkA65The 'A' key.
VkB66The 'B' key.
VkC67The 'C' key.
VkD68The 'D' key.
VkE69The 'E' key.
VkF70The 'F' key.
VkG71The 'G' key.
VkH72The 'H' key.
VkI73The 'I' key.
VkJ74The 'J' key.
VkK75The 'K' key.
VkL76The 'L' key.
VkM77The 'M' key.
VkN78The 'N' key.
VkO79The 'O' key.
VkP80The 'P' key.
VkQ81The 'Q' key.
VkR82The 'R' key.
VkS83The 'S' key.
VkT84The 'T' key.
VkU85The 'U' key.
VkV86The 'V' key.
VkW87The 'W' key.
VkX88The 'X' key.
VkY89The 'Y' key.
VkZ90The 'Z' key.
LWin91Left Windows key (Natural keyboard).
RWin92Right Windows key (Natural keyboard).
LCmd91The Command key.
RCmd93The Right Command key.
Apps93Applications key (Natural keyboard).
Sleep95Computer Sleep key.
Numpad096The numeric keypad '0' key.
Numpad197The numeric keypad '1' key.
Numpad298The numeric keypad '2' key.
Numpad399The numeric keypad '3' key.
Numpad4100The numeric keypad '4' key.
Numpad5101The numeric keypad '5' key.
Numpad6102The numeric keypad '6' key.
Numpad7103The numeric keypad '7' key.
Numpad8104The numeric keypad '8' key.
Numpad9105The numeric keypad '9' key.
Multiply106The multiply key.
Add107The add key.
Separator108The separator key.
Subtract109The subtract key.
Decimal110The decimal key.
Divide111The divide key.
F1112The 'F1' key.
F2113The 'F2' key.
F3114The 'F3' key.
F4115The 'F4' key.
F5116The 'F5' key.
F6117The 'F6' key.
F7118The 'F7' key.
F8119The 'F8' key.
F9120The 'F9' key.
F10121The 'F10' key.
F11122The 'F11' key.
F12123The 'F1' key.
F13124The 'F1' key.
F14125The 'F14' key.
F15126The 'F15' key.
F16127The 'F16' key.
F17128The 'F17' key.
F18129The 'F18' key.
F19130The 'F19' key.
F20131The 'F20' key.
F21132The 'F21' key.
F22133The 'F22' key.
F23134The 'F23' key.
F24135The 'F24' key.
Numlock144The NUM LOCK key.
Scroll145The SCROLL LOCK key.
LShift160The Left SHIFT key.
RShift161The Right SHIFT key.
LControl162The Left CONTROL key.
RControl163The Right CONTROL key.
LMenu164The Left MENU key.
RMenu165The Right MENU key.
Command157The Command key.
BrowserBack166The Browser Back key.
BrowserForward167The Browser Forward key.
BrowserRefresh168The Browser Refresh key.
BrowserStop169The Browser Stop key.
BrowserSearch170The Browser Search key.
BrowserFavorites171The Browser Favorites key.
BrowserHome172The Browser Start and Home key.
VolumeMute173The Volume Mute key.
VolumeDown174The Volume Down key.
VolumeUp175The Volume Up key.
MediaNextTrack176The Next Track key.
MediaPrevTrack177The Previous Track key.
MediaStop178The Stop Media key.
MediaPlayPause179The Play/Pause Media key.
LaunchMail180The Start Mail key.
LaunchMediaSelect181The Select Media key.
LaunchApp1182The Start Application 1 key.
LaunchApp2183The Start Application 2 key.
OemPlus187For any country/region, the '+' key.
OemComma188For any country/region, the ',' key.
OemMinus189For any country/region, the '-' key.
OemPeriod190For any country/region, the '.' key.
Oem1186 Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. For the US standard keyboard, the ';:' key.
Oem2191 Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. For the US standard keyboard, the '[{' key.
Oem3192 Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. For the US standard keyboard, the '[{' key.
Oem4219 Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. For the US standard keyboard, the '[{' key.
Oem5220 Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. For the US standard keyboard, the '\|' key.
Oem6221 Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. For the US standard keyboard, the ']}' key.
Oem7222 Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. For the US standard keyboard, the 'single-quote/double-quote' key.
Oem8223Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
Oem102226Either the angle bracket key or the backslash key on the RT 102-key keyboard.
Processkey229The IME PROCESS key.
Packet231 Used to pass Unicode characters as if they were keystrokes. The VK_PACKET key is the low word of a 32-bit Virtual Key value used for non-keyboard input methods.
Attn246The Attn key.
Crsel247The CrSel key.
Exsel248The ExSel key.
Ereof249The Erase EOF key.
Play250The Play key.
Zoom251The Zoom key.
Pa1253The PA1 key.
OemClear254The Clear key.
DbeAlphanumeric240The DBE_ALPHANUMERIC key.
See Also