Table of Contents

Enum NodeType


Represents the node types that can be used to distinguish different kind of nodes (such as an HTML element, text, attribute) from each other.

public enum NodeType


AttributeNode = 2

An attribute of the HTML element.

CDataSectionNode = 4

A [CDATA] section.

CommentNode = 8

The content between between the <!-- and --> statements.

DocumentFragmentNode = 11

A segment of the document structure.

DocumentNode = 9

The document node.

DocumentTypeNode = 10

The document type node. For example, <!DOCTYPE html> for HTML5 documents.

ElementNode = 1

An element node, such as <p> or <div>.

EntityNode = 6

An XML <!ENTITY ...> node.

EntityReferenceNode = 5

An XML entity reference node.

NotationNode = 12

An XML <!NOTATION ...> node.

ProcessingInstructionsNode = 7

A ProcessingInstruction of an XML document such as <?xml-stylesheet ... ?> declaration.

ShadowRootNode = 14

A shadow root node.

TextNode = 3

The actual text of the HTML element or the attribute.

Unknown = 0

Unknown node type.

XPathNamespaceNode = 13

An XPath namespace node.