Namespace DotNetBrowser.Dom
- DomException
Thrown when an operation on the DOM element fails.
- PointInspection
Provides information about a DOM node at the specified point inside the loaded document.
- IAttribute
This interface is implemented by all INode implementations to support DOM event model.
- IAttributes
A dictionary that contains IElement attributes. Modifying this dictionary will lead to modifying the element attributes.
- IDocument
Represents DOM HTML document of the web page.
- IFormControlElement
Represents the form control element.
- IFormElement
Represents DOM HTML Form element.
- IFrameElement
Represents an HTML
- IImageElement
Represents DOM HTML image element
- IInputElement
Represents the DOM element with
- INodeCollection
Represents a collection of the DOM nodes.
- IOptionElement
Represents the DOM HTML
- ISearchContext
The base interface for search that is implemented by the DOM objects that provide search mechanisms.
- ISelectElement
Represents DOM HTML
- ITextAreaElement
Represents DOM HTML
- AlignTo
Represents the values that can be used to describe how the element will be aligned to the visible area of the scrollable ancestor.
- DocumentPosition
Enumeration of the document position that represent the relationship between two nodes within the Document.
- NodeType
Represents the node types that can be used to distinguish different kind of nodes (such as an HTML element, text, attribute) from each other.