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IBrowser Events

The IBrowser type exposes the following members.

Public eventBrowserBecameResponsive
Occurs when the browser instance has become responsive.
Public eventBrowserBecameUnresponsive
Occurs when the browser instance has become unresponsive.
Public eventConsoleMessageReceived
Occurs when the message was added to the console.
Public eventDisposed
Occurs when the object has been disposed.
(Inherited from IAutoDisposable.)
Public eventFaviconChanged
Occurs when the web page favicon has changed.
Public eventFocusGained
Occurs when the browser instance has gained the focus.
Public eventFocusLost
Occurs when the browser instance has lost the focus.
Public eventFocusRequested
Occurs when JavaScript sends a request to focus the Browser instance by calling the window.focus() method.
Public eventFrameCreated
Occurs when the IFrame has been created.
Public eventFrameDeleted
Occurs when the IFrame has been deleted.
Public eventFullScreenEntered
Occurs when the browser instance has been toggled into full-screen mode.
Public eventFullScreenExited
Occurs when the browser instance has been toggled out of full-screen mode.
Public eventRenderProcessTerminated
Occurs when a render process has been terminated.
Public eventSpellCheckCompleted
Occurs when spell checking on the frame has been completed.
Public eventStatusChanged
Occurs when the status text has been changed.
Public eventTitleChanged
Occurs when the web page title has been changed.
Public eventUpdateBoundsRequested
Occurs when JavaScript requests to update bounds of the Browser instance.
See Also