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IBrowser Methods

The IBrowser type exposes the following members.

Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public methodDisposeAsync
Asynchronously disposes the current browser instance according to the given options.
Public methodFocus
Tells the browser that it has focus and must be activated.
Public methodReplaceMisspelledWord
Replaces misspelled word under cursor on the currently loaded web page with the given word. If there is no misspelled word under cursor, this method does nothing.
Public methodSaveWebPage
Initiates the saving process of the currently loaded web page. The web page can be saved as a single HTML file or the file with resources. Before saving a web page make sure that it is not being loaded. It is recommended to completely loaded the web page and only then save it.
Public methodTakeImage
Creates and returns an image of the currently loaded web page.
Public methodUnfocus
Tells the browser that it does not have focus and must be deactivated.
See Also