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INetwork Properties

The INetwork type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCode exampleAcceptLanguage
Gets or sets the Accept-Language request header value.
Public propertyAuthenticateHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when the website requests authentication.
Public propertyCanAccessFileHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when the Chromium engine is about to access the requested file. Can be used to disallow accessing the file.
Public propertyCanGetCookiesHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when Chromium engine decides whether cookies can be sent back to the web server.
Public propertyCanSetCookieHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when Chromium engine decides whether cookie can be saved for the URL or not.
Public propertyEngine
Gets the IEngine instance associated with this object.
Public propertyHttpAuthPreferences
Gets the HTTP authorization preferences.
Public propertyIsDisposed
Indicates if the object is already disposed.
(Inherited from IAutoDisposable.)
Public propertyProfile
Gets the IProfile instance associated with this object.
Public propertyReceiveHeadersHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used each time that an HTTP(S) response header is received. Due to redirects and authentication requests this can happen multiple times per request. This event is intended to allow adding, modifying, and deleting HTTP response headers, such as incoming "Set-Cookie" headers.
Public propertySendUploadDataHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when the upload data is about to send to the web server. Can be used to override the upload data before it is sent.
Public propertySendUrlRequestHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when an HTTP request is about to occur. It can be used to override the requested URL and redirect the request to another location.
Public propertyStartTransactionHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used when the request is about to start the transaction process. It allows adding, modifying, and deleting HTTP request headers.
Public propertyUserAgent
Gets the default user-agent string.
Public propertyVerifyCertificateHandler
Gets or sets a handler that is used to verify the SSL certificate provided by the web server.
See Also